

SimpleIPC lets you do the following events. Run unstable code in an expendable worker process, and communicate with the delegate process over the IPC Channel. If there's a process crash, it's the external process that crashes, rather than your app (or...

SimpleIPCExpress lets you have some of your application's work performed in an external process on the same machine - insulating your app from memory leaks and process crashes. You make function calls to objects in the external process as if they were...

The Messaging Peer is a service that runs on your Windows computer. It allows a publicly-accessible (hosted) Linux server running PHP 5 or higher to make function calls against a Windows server that is behind a firewall, and not accessible from the public...


HomeWeb 2.0

The combined HomeWeb software and service allow you to send commands to your computers from over the internet. Run command-driven applications and query, convert, and retrieve files from your computers. Push files to your cloud storage account. Access...