Chrysanth Journal is created as a personal journal writing software companion that helps you to capture every memorable moment of your daily life. Journal writing and keeping becomes easy, safe and fun, while recollecting events in your life becomes a...

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Chrysanth Download Manager helps user simplify, accelerate, resume, and manage Internet downloads. With Download@Once, user can easily take snapshots of Web pages that may contain many downloadable links with just one click. User may apply additional...

Chrysanth Email Notifier is a POP3, IMAP4, and Gmail notification software that helps you to get notified of every incoming e-mail and even spams in your mailboxes while they are still sitting on the remote e-mail servers. Running in the background and...

Chrysanth Mail Manager is a portable spam blocker which could be run directly from any portable devices such as thumb drives. This enables you to be able to bring along a versatile spam blocker wherever you go, which lets you examine the content inside...