Canvas - Add any photo from your PC, or any image from the web, to your browser. It's an easy way to create a personalized browser. Note: Yahoo! Search will be set as the default search engine. You can always change your search provider, if...

Bracket Madness Boom includes: links to great basketball sites, NCAA bracket info, news and a sidebar with video. We employ an incredible team of designers, developers and marketers to work with the brands to bring these bundles to you for...

Beach Life Boom includes three gorgeous beach themes along with links to great travel sites and a built in music player and a sidebar with beach video. Included with this boom is the popular extension, Surf Canyon. Give it a try.. it does an incredible...

Busted Coverage Theme (Formerly Busted Coverage Boom): college, football, and ladies. Includes links to the official site, news and sidebar with latest blog posts. Note: Bing Search will be set as the default search engine. You can always change your...

ECO Theme for Firefox is a friendly Theme for Your Internet. It adds the rain forest live in your browser, breaking news and sites from Audubon to WWF, and the latest environment videos.What is new in this release:Added thumbnail.Requirements:Mozilla...

Bring the cool glow of neon to your Chrome browser. Includes a basic theme with cool neon lights running through it, a sidebar that you can open whenever you want for news, videos. Check out even more themes in our...

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