
jQuery++ 2.0.2 updated

jQuery++ completes jQuery with missing functionality, allowing developers to use the framework in a broader scope and for large scale applications.It is mainly made of DOM helpers and special events, all well-documented and ready to be used with any...


DocumentJS 0.4.4

DocumentJS works via the Node.js command-line and allows developers to create documentation sites without having to do a double chore of writing comments in their code and then explaining it later in a separate HTML file. The documentation site is created...

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CanJS 2.3.6 updated

CanJS’ core supports Dojo, jQuery, Zepto, YUI and Mootools. By doing so, it  opens itself to a broad group of developers and use cases thanks to a previously unexplored possibility of combining technologies together, instead of focusing just on...


FuncUnit 3.0.0

FuncUnit combines the principles behind unit and functional testings, using a jQuery-like syntax and Jasmine/QUnit-like assertions.The library was created to provide better functional testing to already existing testing frameworks, allowing then to detect...