
Quark 2.1.3 updated

Quark is not a JavaScript framework, but a framework builder.Quark uses a different syntax from most frameworks out there, and is very different from what developers have come accustomed to in & with jQuery.Documentation is included with the Quark...


toast 1.2.5 updated

toast was primarily designed for CSS stylesheet loading, but works with JavaScript scripts as well.No matter how resources are setup, toast was designed in such a way to avoid FOUC issues (Flash of Unstyled Content).The library was tested with all modern...


Nut 0.4.2

Nut is for developers tired of the complicated way DOM elements are selected with vanilla JavaScript syntax.It is also useful when loading jQuery just to perform trivial tasks and selections is just way too over the top. Nut provides a much smaller...

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W 1.2.4

W permits developers to query the user's browser for the current viewport size.This value can be shown in either ems or in pixels.W can also watch for browser resize or zoom events, reporting the new viewport size whenever one of this changes takes...