This can be achieved by one single line of code.The Calculator class can be used in any dashboard UI, providing a simple calculator to whoever needs some basic math done.A demo and usage instructions are included with the download...

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moogallery 0.2.5

By default, images in the gallery are shown as thumbnails.Clicking one will make it popup inside a modal at its natural resolution and aspect ratio.The thumbs will always be loaded in a grid table layout and resized so they fit inside their parent...

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moopopup 0.2.6

Can be used to create interactive dialog modals to use in modern web apps and GUIs.Features:nothing foundWhat is new in this release:Added events support: onComplete is fired when the window is fully displayed. onClose is fired when the window is...

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wordevents 0.2.1

The class works similarly to a Konami code or Easter Egg structure.It watches key input, and when a certain sequence is detected, it executes a predefined JavaScript function.In real-life scenarios, wordevents can be used about everywhere, from Web-based...