NuVera Online is social virtual world created by grown-ups for grown-ups. Explore various public locations. Create custom 2D/3D content or your own public world. Socialize with others from around the world. Creating an account and getting in world is free...

SocialCalc is a simple calculator calculates your social networking sites usage score. Depending upon some criteria of usage, it will calculate percentage of usage. It includes Facebook, twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and any other social...

Sometimes it feels like Facebook forgot that Facebook is about us and our friends, not about corporates and ads. Block Facebook Ads removes all those annoying ads that ruin our favorite social network. It eliminates all advertisements and sponsored links...

Inspired by real life Twitter users frustrated with native capabilities while following hashtag (#tag) tweets from their friends. This application should help users to work with Twitter more effectively while spending less time searching for the...


ImpressCMS 1.3.4

ImpressCMS is the ideal tool for a wide range of users: from businesses to community users, from large enterprises to people who want a simple, easy to use blogging tool. The system is highly scalable and can be used for as an intranet for a company with...

DestroyTwitter packs in a ton of features while leaving an unbelievably small footprint. DestroyTwitter is a Twitter client, not an every-social-network-in-the-world client. Because of this, the UI is focused--not cluttered with unwanted...

UnfriendMonkey is a small application for Facebook users. When someone unfriends you, you'll see a notification showing which one of your friends unfriended you.If one of your friends deletes their Facebook profile, UnfriendMonkey will notify you about...