Quake 4 SDK

Quake 4 SDK 1.1 beta

This is the 1.1 beta version of the newest Software Developers Kit for Quake 4. This version includes all of the updates from the v1.1 beta patch.Requirements:Windows 2000/XP, Quake 4 full...

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This is the beta release of the version 1.1 patch for Quake 4. It fixes issues and adds gameplay elements throughout both single and multiplayer gameplay--including voice chat in multiplayer, a forecemodel option, a one-minute warning for tournament...

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In Activision Value Publishing's Secret Service: In Harm's Way you assume the role of Mark Brophy, a young agent just out of training. Although he is facing his first real protection assignment Mark has acquired an extensive experience serving with elite...

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In Shadow Force: Razor Unit, you are a member of the Air Force Special Operations Group. One of the elite Combat Controllers, responsible with everything from directing air strikes to controlling air traffic, you are ready to be sent in the Middle East....

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Earth assumed the destruction of the Makron would end the siege of the cybernetic Strogg, but it didn't. Quake 4 begins where Quake 3 leaves off. The Strogg are quickly regrouping. However, with the Strogg's planetary defenses still destroyed, Earth's...

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This Doom 3 map takes place in a castle trapped in Hell. The map layout is very well done and make sure to be on the lookout for a hidden secret in the map.Requirements:Windows 98/Me/2000/XP, Doom...

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