Exedb Anti Malware scanner provides security check for process running in your PC using our online security database. You could use any type of scanning to check your PC against Viruses, Trojans, Spywares and other malicious programs Exedb Anti Malware...


Defender 4.1 updated

Defender is a system that provides secure reading protection of your premises, using standard speakers of your computer. Defender system generates noise, silencing the performance of any listening devices and creates a speech-like noise...

Terminator is the system that helps to erase data on any hard drive of the network quickly, qualitatively and without direct access to computer in case of emergency. Process of removing information can be activated with the radio charm, Web command,...


FileMax 1.0

Digital security is the most important and dangerous thing in the world for all pc users nowadays. FileMax has been created for that reason. You can feel safe with FileMax. You can lock (5 different method and 4 different filename options it means 20...

Hidden Fixer

Hidden Fixer updated

Have you ever been infected by shortcut viruses ? They hide all your important files and folders and place the fake files and folders as the shortcuts. This problem mostly happens on your external drives or other kind of storage devices. Every time you...