Sitemap Automator makes it so easy to create XML Sitemap files that tell search engines all about your website including which pages to index, how often to come back for fresh, new content, and how important each page on your website is. It takes the...

Taggtool Server Edition (32-Bit) is ideally suited for multiple users wanting to add tags to files on network drives or external storage such as NAS devices. Multiple users can add tags to the same database at the same time allowing teams of users to...

Taggtool Server Edition (32-Bit) is ideally suited for multiple users wanting to add tags to files on network drives or external storage such as NAS devices. Multiple users can add tags to the same database at the same time allowing teams of users to...

Everyfind allows you to design a website search engine script for web site, CD/DVD, MP3/OGG music and your PC. Atrise Everyfind is a program that allows you to search and find files. It can index 30+ file formats and generate multilingual ultra fast,...

Keyword Bee : The Free Keyword Research Tool to Discover Lucrative Keywords for Your Business. Rotate Proxies, find related keywords, and gather tons of data. Keyword bee lets you research keywords very intensively and find you "honey" keywords which are...

MultiSearch Portable is a simple and fast search engine able to concatenate and organize multiple results. Easy to customize for the end users. This open-source program runs parallel searches on multiple Web sites.Requirements:Microsoft .NET Framework...

Search engine explorer is a multiple search engine search tool. It allows up to 20 search engines to be running and searched simultaneously at the touch of a button. The grueling task of having to switch between search engines to find what you want on the...

Fireburst Desktop displays a search box which enables you to search to web from your desktop. If you move it to the startup folder it will launch immediately upon boot up. It's simple, basic, yet intuitive interface will attract anyone. It's web search...



Rym rebooks is a software and lib that provides search/suggest engine functions. It can be used for: Personal search engine, desktop search engine, individual search engine, document management search engine. Customize searching service to...