
MacPython 2.3.3

Python is a high-level programming language that is suitable for simple scripting tasks as well as writing large applications. MacPython offers alot of Mac-specific extensions, including access to all major MacOS Toolbox modules (Cocoa, Carbon, QuickTime,...

MasterObjects PlanBoard is a reusable component for Omnis developers. PlanBoard allows you to easily add advanced interactive scheduling to your Omnis applications. Since its first release in 1998, many Omnis developers worldwide have discovered the power...


Eduphant 2.0b2

EduPhant is a PostgreSQL client targeted at both SQL novices and PostgreSQL developers. The SQL query templates will allow the novices to quickly pick up the SQL syntax and logic, and they will jog the memory of the more advanced users. Plus they make it...

DocoaBrowser is an utility application that displays Apples Cocoa framework documentation (both Java and Objective-C flavors) as well as your own AutoDoc documentation. AutoDoc documentation can be displayed from HTML files as well generated on the fly...

4W Props

4W Props 1.2

This plugin provides one-stop-shopping for viewing and editing nearly all properties of every object, even global properties. Beginners will appreciate seeing all of the properties listed in one place, and experienced developers will apreciate the...

The XML Library provides an all-Transcript plugin for Revolution developers. Allows manipulation of multiple XML documents at once. The Standard version is inexpensive and provides for the creation and manipulation of XML documents; additionally it is...


EnablerMaker 1.0.3

What is an Informator Enabler? An Enaber makes it possible to get a reference to files which are embedded in other applications and to show these files in Informator. This makes it possible to get a direct access to embedded files in layout applications...


TestKit 0.9.4

TestKit is a testing framework for Mac OS X and the Objective-C language. It is modeled after JUnit, but targets the specific needs of the OS X developer in the Cocoa environment.Requirements:Mac OS X 10.2 or later, Developer...