
InFocus 1.0.0

A Professional tool to create a new Depth of Field to All your Photos... InFocus is used to focus the viewer on the subject of the photo. By adjusting the aperture and blurring the background all attention is moved toward the main component of the...

Features 11 different modules for more than 4000 effects. The modules can be combined together in one step. Effects can be applied on one or a set of images right inside Apple Aperture. Powerful Image DeNoising, Image ReFocusing, Image Beautifier, Correct...

The new PhotoFixlens comes as a filter plug-in compatible with applications supporting Photoshop 5.5 or more plug-in kind such as Photoshop, Elements , Corel PhotoPaint or Jasc PaintShop. PhotoFixlens correct barreling and pin-cushioning lens distortion...