Only Password remembers all password for you, and logs you in with a single tap. It's the best way to stay secure. It allows iCloud Sync, and Auto-Lock and more. Don't take any chances with your passwords and private information; keep your data safe and...


handyLock 1.2.10 updated

handyLock is an application that locks your Mac screen when you move away from it. This way your Mac is safe and secured from unauthorized access. This is very convenient if you want to prevent access by kids, co-workers or others when you slip away to...

Safe +

Safe + 3.0 updated

Safe Plus is more than a flexible password manager, it also protects your photos and contacts. All data is encrypted with super-secure 256-bit-AES. Nowadays you need passwords all the time, PINs and TANs for online banking, online shopping, social...


PWMinder 3.1.2 updated

Personal security and privacy is becoming more and more of an issue, and it seems every web site, on-line store, on-line bank, social networking site, etc. asks you to create a login and password. We're told we should never re-use passwords, and password...


PasswordWallet 4.8.9 updated

PasswordWallet is a convenient, easy to use, secure place to store all your usernames, passwords, PIN numbers, or combinations. For security, PasswordWallet uses the BlowFish encryption algorithm with 448-bit keys to protect your data. For...


DotPass 1.0.5 updated

This app is a utility for generating and retrieving passwords using pretty patterns. It lets you enter a graphical pattern and a plain text seed word, and then generates a password based on this unique combination. As long as you enter the same pattern...


Passenger 4.6.1 updated

Passenger is a server account creation and password generation tool that will import tab and comma-delimited text, ASIP 6.3 and Mac OS X XML and create account information and passwords for Mac OS X Server 10.2 and newer, Macintosh Manager,...


1Password 7.4.3 updated

The award-winning 1Password is simple, convenient security. It creates strong, unique passwords for all your accounts so you can login with a click. You can automatically fill long forms and shopping carts, then save wallet space by storing...