XL Admin

XL Admin 2.37 updated

XL Admin allows you to search and download torrents with the simplicity of share-servers from more than 70 private trackers and files from the most popular forums on the scene without need to login. XL Admin is not BitTorrent client. It turns torrents...

Download torrents, fast, secure, and anonymously to your private cloud storage. TorrentSafe is a free online torrent client - no need for any torrent clients, files are transmitted automatically to your computer, phone, or cloud storage when completed. ...

Torrent Platinum is a easy to use and having a friendly interface the torrent client that will help you quickly and easily download different files (movies, music, TV shows, books and much more). Torrent Platinum is: high speed download files; modern...


Cloudable 1.1

Cloudable enables freelancers, small businesses (such as media agencies) and webmasters to easily share their files online. Its been built to be extremely robust, secure and very fast. The file hosting script is available with a wide variety of features...


MSearcher 1.0

MSearcher is the lightest file search and download tool around. It is fast and streamlined and has everything you need. MSearcher is all that you need to download free resources. It is a free file search tool that provides various resources, like musics,...


HPComm 3.0r4

HPComm is an easy to use program to transfer files from your HP48 to your PC and vice versa. It uses a simple, explorer-like drag'n'drop interface and works together with all HP48 models!Requirements:Windows...


Diiva 1.0.2

Diiva, a powerful combination of newsreader software and online services, gives you a much easier way to view newsgroup pictures. Download and use the Diiva software on your computer, and it transparently accesses the Diiva services to provide a complete...