This download includes the Nile 3.0 Sample Application for Oracle and SQL Server, and samples illustrating use of the .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle. This version is the first release on CNET is new in this release:This version...

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SylvanMaps.Net's elegant SQL based architecture makes it easy to join your current data to geographic data such as zip codes, streets, states, countries, GPS data, or any of the other terabytes of geographic data now available. Supported databases include...

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Views and Filters Sample code sample is part of the Diving Into Data Access column, Views and Filters. This version is the first release on CNET is new in this release:This version is the first release on CNET...

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Most Web sites include some form of graphics, such as the banner heading on the MSDN Web site, and the thumbnail images available for the list of recent headlines. All of these images are static they are generated by a member of the Web team, recolored to...

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The Sample Code Generator (XSDObjectGen) tool takes an XSD schema as input and generates sample code showing how to mark up C# and VB.Net classes so that when serialized with the XML serializer, the resulting XML will be valid according to the original...

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