Machinist Mate solves triangles, arcs, chords, bolt hole patterns, sine bar calcs, tapers, compound angles, dovetails, sheet metal bend allowances, feeds & speeds, sprocket profiles and more. It also converts between inches & millimeters and between...

From the developer: "Unc is a 70-function RPN calculator with true knowledge of units. This program contains over 130 built-in units, and users can define new ones. The calculator performs powers, roots, logarithms, and trig hyperbolic functions, and...

From the developer: "Do you need a graphing calculator but can't afford the 100 dollar TI's? Would you like a cheaper way to put your student the next step ahead? Then perhaps you should try EvalFunction. EvalFunction is designed from the ground up to...

From the developer: "SuperCon 2000 contains 67 physical quantities and 760 units. Since the conversion factors are of significant figures of 15, based on the strict base conversion factors such as foot to meter, pound to kilogram, BTU to joule, gallon to...

3DMath Explorer is a computer program that pilots 2D and 3D graphs of mathematical functions and curves in unlimited graphing space. It has many useful feature such as; 3D curve ploting in real time, perspective drawing, graph scaling (zooming), active...