
IM.js 1.3

IM.js uses JavaScript and the HTML5 canvas utility to perform this task, taking each images' pixels and comparing it to the other images' pixels from the same position on the canvas.After all images are compared, IM.js will return a percentage of how...


jQuery.LazyContent 0.3.0 updated

jQuery.LazyContent allows webmasters to optimize their larger Web pages for better performance in today's Internet where page loading speeds matter to both search engines and users alike.The plugin works by loading only the images visible on screen at...


Riloadr 1.5.3

Riloadr was built after Yahoo's image loading mechanism, also used with the YUI framework.The entire purpose of this library is to let developers control how, when, and in what conditions an image gets loaded on a page.Controlling this process can improve...


Mimeo 3.0.9

Mimeo was created to help images render properly on tablets and smartphones.In these aforementioned devices, if rendered at real ratio and size, most images will simply go off-screen or ruin a page's layout.Mimeo works by simply scaling them down to...


oriDomi 1.1.5

oriDomi takes a page element and folds it vertically or horizontally.Optionally it can also overlay captions on top and fold it too.oriDomi, even if it can work with text and other types of HTML content, it looks and works much better when used with...

The effect works as follows. As the image is hovered, the photo is sliced in 4 or 2 parts and pulled apart in opposite directions.Underneath the image slices text can be shown describing the image or any other thing.As the mouse moves out of the image...

jQuery magnifyMe allows users to hover their mouse over a photo and view a magnified version of the photo at a higher resolution inside a small round container.Two versions of the same image are needed for this lens effect to work properly, one small and...