Cloud Zoom

Cloud Zoom 3.1 rev 1507231015 / 1.0.3 updated

Cloud Zoom works by loading a smaller image at page load first. If the user hovers his mouse over the thumb, the real image is retrieved in the background of the page and a preview panel is shown next to the mouse or thumb with the image at its natural...

Jet Zoom

Jet Zoom 1.1 Rev 1406062037

Jet Zoom is the non-intrusive alternative to Cloud Zoom, a similar plugin that shows zoom boxes right next to the thumbnail photo.Jet Zoom works the same way, but instead of creating a zoom box outside the thumbnail image, the zoom box is displayed on top...

Star Zoom

Star Zoom 1.1 Rev 1412160900

Star Zoom works in two ways. The first relies on a series of "zoom in", "zoom out" controls overlayed on top of the photo, small buttons which when pushed will help the user inspect the photo at a higher or lower zoom level.The second method relies on...