The JoyiStar WebShop is the Ajax Web development tools released by JoyiStar corporation. It provides an efficient OOP developing method to construct stable and convenient Rich Web applications based Ajax component. Main Features efficient developing tool;...


Hide 1.2.114

Hide is an integrated development environment for HLA (Randall's High Level Assembler). It comes complete with all required files and secondary programs and runs straight from its own folder with no installation or path preparations. Standard editor...

Project Glidepath is a MicroISV Evangelism program that delivers the workflow-based guidance, sample code, content and technology you need to create successful applications for Windows Vista. The release of Windows Vista will create a new wave of...

IDE Cobol

IDE Cobol 1.1

IDE Cobol is RAD Environment to make applications using the older MS-Cobol 80. IDE Cobol is a freeware software. Was develop to academic use but could be used how as you want. Multi-language (Brazilian Portuguese and English).Requirements:Windows...

You should add quote at the start and end of a string line, replace quote inside the string with slash and quote, double slash, and add return and next line at the end of a string line. If you make some changes in the revised string, you have to iterate...

This freeware software allows you to tidy/beautify/format your PlSql code in a batch file or Dos prompt. In other words, it is a command line tool that gives you the freedom to build it in your programming environment. You can use it in your favorite...

BIN2C_WIN converts binary resource files into C arrays that can be used directly by your C program. You can select one or more resource files from one or more directories and place your arrays into one single header file or many different files. You can...

VB Color workshop (Add-in) for Visual Basic is an indispensable tool for the graphical VB Programmer. Any programmer that does graphical programming knows what a hassle it can be to switch between Visual Basic and a paint program to get the HEX or RGB...