
Mr.Weather 1.24

Mr.Weather displays the weather information of any given location in real time. Information includes temp, wind chill, wind speed, weather condition, and forecasts for the next two days. It features search by zip, town, or landmark and option to display...


KidsSave 1.4.2

Are your kids saving savvy? Discover KidsSave, a kids' savings and money management program, where kids make deposits and withdrawals, receive allowance and rewards, set and track goals, view their savings history, and see their savings grow into the...

Recipe Organizer Deluxe allows recipe enthusiasts and chefs to organize, catalog, and manage their recipe collections on their PCs. For the database novice, Recipe Organizer's intuitive interface and ready-to-use templates make it easy to set up and use....

This program uses clean, crisp interface to teach children to tell time using a digital and analog clock. The clock speaks the instructions and the time query and response in a clear voice. Teaching mode includes random and sequential time questions.What...

TheGoodLife_Net64 is a deluxe family organizer program. It comes with more than 88,000 food recipes in five language recipe databases from all over the world already included and features great ease-of-use and a attractive, clean design with a screen...

MiTeC Weather Agent is a simple weather reporter application. It features five day weather forecast, day names or numbers, moon phases, sun rise or set times, and any location you want.What is new in this release:Version 1.2 has fixed some...

Silver Bullet Cookbook is the easiest way to organize and print recipes and plan meals. With other recipe software typing and editing recipes can feel like a chore, but Silver Bullet Cookbook's simple and straightforward recipe editing screen makes...