
Lype 1.1

Fasphere is all about being able to record keystrokes in a user-friendly interface, it understands the needs of the user. Lype has been developed specifically to work under hidden conditions, the ridiculously simple layout allows one-click recording not...

Whether you are entertaining guests, throwing a party, or just feel like a cocktail in the comfort of your own home, the Barssentials Drink Guide can help you get more out of your home liquor cabinet. Recipe books make for a nice coffee table decoration...

Turn Nanny is a simple easy to use program that helps kids learn to take turns when using a computer. A countdown timer and a visual meter countdown show kids how much time is left. No windows account to configure or complicated windows setting.What is...

theBabyBella is written to provide visual clarity and charting of trends in a newborns feeding, sleeping, medication, diapers and growth. Our software also includes a sophisticated photo/video gallery, diary, gift recording module and contact...

Making a facial mask at home is quite easy and inexpensive. You may have all the ingredients in your kitchen to make a fabulous natural "homemade facial mask". Homemade face and body masks containing natural ingredients are quick and simple to create at...

Our skin is the most exposed part of the body that has to inevitably endure the test of nature and time. Problems of the skin are aplenty and so are their causes. Your skin is the largest organ of your body and it's the first thing people notice about...