Edraw Max

Edraw Max 9.4.2 updated

An all-inclusive diagramming software for Windows system that is capable for 260+ drawing types including flowcharts, mind maps, org charts, infographics, floor plans, network diagrams, Gantt charts, electrical schematics... and that is just the...

MikuMikuDance (MMD)

MikuMikuDance (MMD) 9.32 updated

MikuMikuDance allows you to import 3D models into a virtual work space. The models can be moved and animate accordingly with sound and have expressions change to create music videos. Originally developed by programmer Yu Higuchi (HiguchiM) for...

Silhouette Studio

Silhouette Studio 3.6.057 updated

Silhouette Studio software gives you the ability to design projects to send to any Silhouette electronic cutting machine. The basic edition of Silhouette Studio is included with the purchase of each Silhouette and can also be downloaded for free from...

DraftSight (64-bit)

DraftSight (64-bit) 2020 updated

DraftSight is a professional-grade 2D design and drafting solution that lets you create, edit, view and markup any kind of 2D drawing. You can start sharing, connecting and interacting with the 3DSwYm DraftSight community members. DraftSight can...

GstarCAD 2020 (32-bit)

GstarCAD 2020 (32-bit) build 191031

GstarCAD is well-known computer-aided design software developed by Gstarsoft company. The company publishes new version and GstarCAD 2020 is the version released in late 2019. GstarCAD 2020 is far ahead in performance, stability, compatibility...

Free GIF Joiner is a handy tool to join animated gif files. Provide gif file frame by frame preview, use every frame from original image to make output gif files, with fast speed and no quality loss. This software also supports join gif file with...