Fun and engaging cartoon-based racing game for personal computers. This game will not require much memory within an operating system, Due to its fun nature the game is suited for players of all ages. Newer operating systems are not likely to support this...

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Wordsearch Maker is a free Windows game, that belongs to the category PC games with subcategory Educational and has been published by Adders. It's available for users with the operating system Windows 95 and prior versions, and it is available in...

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A Vintage Game Facelifted for the Sophisticated Gamer. Free game, New enhancements for a more modern appearance. Available for free only with Windows 95 OS and earlier versions, Still a bit dated in today’s modern gaming world of cutting-edge...

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Warm Up!

Warm Up! 5.20

Fun and retro-style racing game for personal computers. Excellent graphics and audio effects for a game of its time, There are numerous upgrades and vehicles to choose from throughout the game. It is not possible to choose modern cars or current racing...

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