In Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis, you build the hatcheries, feeding areas, and security equipment, then let the general public in to have some fun. As in other park sims, you'll need to balance entertainment and safety (watch out for that rampaging...

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Vivendi Universal Games has released the entire soundtrack for Metal Arms, free for downloading in the MP3 format. The soundtrack includes 13 tracks, featuring industrial rhythms, electronica, mood pieces, and dialogue from the game.Requirements:Windows...

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SWAT 4 1

Within the city, crisis and turmoil are an everyday, every second occurrence. When ordinary means of law enforcement are not an option, there is a group that is called upon to dole out justice to those who believe they are above the law. This highly...

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Advanced users can now create custom-built levels, creatures, and other content for Aliens vs. Predator 2 with the Aliens vs. Predator 2 Toolkit. This 8.73MB file includes DEdit (the AvP2 world editor), ModelEdit (the AvP2 model editor), sample level...

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The Multiplayer Map update 1, released December 17, 2001, adds new multiplayer maps to Aliens vs. Predator 2, including the following Deathmatch/Team Deathmatch/Hunt/Survivor maps: dm_alley, dm_fury151, dm_hanger, dm_stronghold, Evac, evac_alley,...

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During the development of Empire Earth, we subjected the game to tens of thousands of hours of rigorous testing. In the days since the gold masters discs were released to manufacturing, we've continued testing in conjunction with our worldwide group of...

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