
CommCalc 1.0

CommCalc allows you to quickly calculate a gross total (base amount + your commission) using the mark up percentage you enter. CommCalc displays the gross total and your commission.Requirements:Mac 10.4 or later and...

Different search engines use different methodologies to prioritize results. Because of this, the current "top four" search engines (Google, Teoma, Yahoo!, and MSN) all yield different ordering (and, in most instances, content) for their top-listed...

Always forgetting to download the latest free "Single of the Week" from the iTunes Music Store? This is a free Dashboard Widget to get you to the iTunes Music Store's free weekly song. Just click the image on the widget and download the free song posted...

Dockyard is a "dock switcher" for Mac OS X. It allows you to have multiple docks and switch between them with one click. You can even switch Dashboard configurations along with your dock. Instead of a normal application, this version of Dockyard is a...