
Noty 2.3.7 updated

Developers have plenty of options at their fingertips in controlling how the notifications are shown, starting from position, message type, the text to be shown, animation, speed, buttons and more. Besides these, all notifications can also be custom...


NumBox 1.2.0

NumBox was designed to help with forms that require users to enter numbers in various formats.Instead of relying on instructions and the user to enter the number in the proper format, NumBox does this for the user instead, letting him enter his desired...


jsTree 3.2.1 updated

jsTree can handle organized node and tree structures, which can be used for simple data display or as a navigational menu.jsTree can be used with data collections holding just a few entries, or with thousands and thousands of nodes.The component can be...


Selecter 3.2.4

Selecter will hide the default graphics of a form drop-down select element and allow the developer to use his own style package.The plugin supports both the default select field, along with the opt-group and multi-choice variants.Selecter also comes with...


colorjoe 1.0.0 updated

colorjoe is very different from any other color picker developers have worked with.Because it uses overlapping two CSS 3 gradients to produce the color spectrum, the component itself is extremely lightweight when it comes to file size, and also...