
Pace 1.0.2

The Pace library works by showing a small progress indicator at the top of the website while it's still loading.It was specifically designed for AJAX-heavy websites, and is best used for AJAX link navigation/loading.Pace is also available as a WordPress...


cheet.js 0.3.3

Basically, cheet.js allows a developer to support Easter eggs or Konami-like codes in the browser.The library is not pre-built with support for a specific code, so the developer is free to create his own key combos and custom actions.Key sequences can...


Forma 1.0.0

Allows to overwrite default browser form element styles and add custom graphics. Tested and working with Google Chromium (14.0.835.202), Google Chrome (15.0.874.120), Mozilla Firefox (3.6.17) and Opera (11.52).A demo is included with the download...


dgrid 1.0.0 updated

Various demos are included with the download package.What is new in this release:Store-based grids will now show noDataMessage when store is null. What is new in version 0.4.0 / 0.5.0-dev:Store-based grids will now show noDataMessage when store is...


iCheck 1.0.2 / 2.0 rc1

iCheck doesn't do anything different than the plethora of form masking toolkits out there, only it does it better, and with a lot more artistic style than all of them.The plugin comes with support for radio buttons and checkboxes only, leaving drop-down...