ScanFont takes bitmap images such as photos, scanned handwriting samples, clipart, removes the background; separates the characters; autotraces the glyphs into vector characters; and exports them into a TrueType, OpenType or Type 1 font where they can be...

Our Fontographer source file converter turns Fontographer 3.5-4.1 database files (.fog) into FontLab VFB files (.vfb) or OpenType fonts that are compatible with TypeTool, TransType, FontLab (Studio) and AsiaFont Studio. With this solution, you can make...

TypeTool is a light font editor for small font manipulation jobs. It can import and export TrueType, Type 1, and OpenType (TT-based) fonts. It has extensive glyph drawing and editing tools and manual and automatic kerning capabilities. Auto-hinting is...