Thumbnail Zoom Plus is an add-on for Mozilla Firefox. It shows full image when you hover over a thumbnail. It works most of your sites like Amazon, Baidu Images, Bing Images, Facebook, Flickr, Google+, Google Images, IMDb, LinkedIn, Netflix, Pinterest,...

Pencil for Firefox is a diagramming add-on for Mozilla Firefox which can perform GUI prototyping and simple sketching. It includes rich features like built-in stencils for diagraming and prototyping, multi-page document with background page, inter-page...

With the Pixlr Grabber add-on, you can copy, save, share or even edit your final grabs - including any image or background with just a right-click. Edit in Pixlr Editor or Express, Share them to Pixlr or save them direct to the desktop. This is a...

The official Readability extension for Firefox provides a better way to read online, turning any Web page into a comfortable reading view right in Firefox. It couples a great reading experience with an innovative way to support writers and publishers on...


FlexBar 0.9.5

With FlexBar, easily show, hide or autohide menu bar, navigation bar, status bar and all others. FlexBar configures the visibility of all menu bars, sidebars and information bars. For every element you can adjust separately whether it is shown never,...

ForecastFox is an extension that brings international weather from to your Firefox web browser. You can use your US zip code or you can easily find your town or city by using the built in search tool. It is unobtrusive and lightweight, yet...

FireQuery for Firefox is a collection of Firefox enhancements for jQuery. jQuery expressions are intelligently presented in Firebug Console and DOM inspector, attached jQuery data are first class citizens, elements in jQuery collections are highlighted on...


Wappalyzer 2.4.3

Wappalyzer is a Firefox browser extension that identifies software on websites. It detects content management systems, web shops, web servers, JavaScript frameworks, and analytics tools.Requirements:Mozilla Firefox...


SmoothWheel 0.45.6

SmoothWheel scrolls the page smoothly when scrolling the mouse wheel. SmoothWheel offers an enhanced and configurable version of the built in smooth-scroll. It uses some unique algorithms for smoothness and adaptive behavior (scrolls fast or slow by...