Integrate GameTracker into your desktop with the GameTracker app. GT Lite offers the following features: Easily manage all of your installed games. Track games and servers where you play. Live updates to your GameTracker profile. Take screenshots...

SuperContainer stores files in folders on your server, not within your FileMaker database. You can add all the Microsoft Word documents, PDFs, and photos you could ever want to your FileMaker database and the size of the database will never increase. This...

FileMaker Server is securely host groups of FileMaker Pro users over a network or on the web. It's fast, reliable and easy-to-use server software for securely managing your FileMaker Pro databases. This high-performance relational database engine...

Arya WAMP Server is packaged with Apache 2.4.2 and PHP 5.4.5 along with a control panel. The Current version is released on August 4, 2012. The software is copyrighted and you have no right to sell or license this application. The application is...

The MQ Channel Monitor (MQCM) application is a software package that is designed to gather and to display the status of MQ channels of the queue manager. MQCM displays 16 columns of channel status information. The display is automatically refreshed every...

Message Multiplexer (MMX) will provide users with an application that will help you get a message from a queue and output it to one or more queues. Context information is maintained across the message put.MMX can move messages from a single source queue...

The Message Router (MRTR) application will move a message from a central queue to a specific application queue. The destination queue that the message will be placed into will be based on a keyword in the message. Context information is maintained across...