JustDev Total Media was designed to make watching your favorite TV, movies and music files a breeze. Simply install the application and start watching. No forced advertising. Custom themes with over a 100+ streaming channels. Watch whatever you like with...

Make your computer talk for you with the free Computer Talker program. Text-to-speech is built into the program. Make your computer speak what you type. Written in C#, the Computer Talker program uses the System.Speech.Synthesis library to make the...

Getting movies is easy. The hard part is deciding what to watch! The Movie Selector program makes choosing easy and fun. Feel like watching something from the 60's? A romance? Sci-Fi? Maybe you feel like a musical or a movie starring one of your favorite...

Saath (i.e. together) Sangeet (i.e. music) is the first of its kind software specifically designed for Indian Classical Music practitioners and students to help with repetitive practice at home. This is the first software that includes professional...


WinOKE 3.28

Complete karaoke software for Windows, includes complete editor and full-screen playback options. Supports a variety of file formats and many combinations of playback options. Slide shows, background bitmaps, full-screen video playback.Now includes...


WTWT2 2.0.4

What you want to watch tonight? A new movie trailer? Do you really want the trailer? Movie reviews? Movie listings? What about the movies, people really like to watch? Forget the approximate scores and inaccurate questionnaires. See, what everyone is...


Ch@nnelger updated

Ch@nnelger is the channel list editor for such formats as ProgDVB, DVBDream, DVBViewer, Enigma2, NeutrinoHD and Spark. The program supports editing, importing from Internet and converting the General channel list and Favorite lists. It is the first...