
Encrypto 1.1

A Free Encryption Program With Password Control . Encrypting and decrypting is so easy it is almost effortless, It will never mash or corrupt your files,. Giving the password is sometimes tough even with the password hint-embedding feature, They need to...


Textcrypt 1.3

Program for encrypting text files with a time expensive method. The strength is configurable, so you can adapt the strength with the size of the text to achieve proper encryption times (big enough to discourage force brute attacks and little enough in...


Hashing 1.4 updated

Hashing is a freeware, standalone tool that performs cryptographic hashes. It supports MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-385, SHA-512. You can hash how many files you want at the sime time. You can also input manually in hexadecimal. What is...

CryptoTool is a Simple Offline Software to Encrypt and Decrypt Text and Prevent your Important Data from Theft, Why CryptoTool is secure ? Your text is encrypted with your own secret key (password) and other complex methods so hackers can't interrupt it...