This is a free program taken from a CD-ROM collection of over 200 mathematics puzzles, available on the developer's Web site. Developed by a veteran teacher, these visually-oriented puzzle games have a simple interface and are designed to provide math...

This is a free program taken from a CD-ROM collection of over 200 mathematics puzzles, available on the developer's Web site. Developed by a veteran teacher, these visually-oriented puzzle games have a simple interface and are designed to provide math...


Mosquito 1.0

This is a free program taken from a CD-ROM collection of over 200 mathematics puzzles, available on the developer's Web site. Developed by a veteran teacher, these visually-oriented puzzle games have a simple interface and are designed to provide math...


Osiris 4.07

The OSIRIS software has been designed as a general medical image manipulation and analysis software. The design is mainly based on the following criteria: portability, extendibility and suitability for any imaging modality. OSIRIS is designed to deal with...


Spice 3f4v02b

We start off with a piece of software which is of interest to a tightly-focussed group of folk - a port of the Spice electronic circuit simulation program to the Macintosh (MacOS Classic and MacOS X Public Beta - the port is carbonised). The port is very...