The Free Lit Reader should be considered by all those users who use a specific platform for their e-book requirements. The .lit extension is a flagship of Microsoft and is exclusive to store such books on the relevant devices and read them at any point in...

The .mobi file type is an e-book format that can be supports a number of platforms and several portable devices such as smart phones, tablets, etc. In order to read the books on any of these devices, the Free Mobi Reader should be considered. All those...

As the name suggests, the Free eReader allows users to download e-books from any sources and read them on multiple devices. Since e-books have taken over paperbacks in the recent past, most book lovers prefer having their books on portable devices so that...

The Free CHM Reader enables users to read their favorite books on their Apple devices such as iPads, iPhones and iPods. Apart from books, this tool also supports documents and hence, is particularly useful for all those who have a number of iOS devices....

Epub, an acronym for electronic publication, is an eBook standard which most readers use on their mobiles, computers to read books. The format has been developed by the International Digital Publishing Forum. It is a tool that has made it easier for eBook...