EPSA Crop 7.x-2.2 / 6.x-1.3

The module will override the ImageCache process and set the new coordinates defined by the user.Every preset with the crop action is handled by EPSACrop. If the user doesn't change the coordinates, the normal imagecache process is...

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Yelp (Drupal)

Yelp (Drupal) 7.x-2.5 / 6.x-1.1

The module creates a new block called "Yelp search results," which can be placed on the page from the block administer section (Administer > Blocks).The title, location, search radius, maximum number of results and Yelp categories to search, can be...

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Google News sitemap

Google News sitemap 7.x-1.6 / 6.x-1.4 / 5.x-1.4

The settings allow the webmaster to specify the content type he wishes to generate the feed for.Installation:Unpack in your modules folder (usually '/sites/all/modules/')Enable under Administer > Site Building > Modules Requirements: Drupal...

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Extra Fields Checkout Pane

Extra Fields Checkout Pane 7.x-1.0-alpha3 / 6.x-2.0-rc2

These additional panes (usually billing and shipping) will be available during the checkout process and in order handling pages.With this module an administrator has a flexible way to define one or more field through a simple interface located at...

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IRC Hispano Webchat

IRC Hispano Webchat 7.x-1.0 / 6.x-1.3 / 5.x-1.0

Its uses IRC-Hispano's own flashchat client to established a direct connection between the Drupal website and the IRC channel. Installation Unpack in your modules folder (usually '/sites/all/modules/')Enable under Administer > Site Building...

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Userpoints Node Action

Userpoints Node Action 7.x-1.x-dev / 6.x-1.6 / 5.x-1.3

These actions include publishing, stickying, and promoting to the front page.Admins can make it such that users have to pay a certain amount of points to publish, sticky, or promote a node of a certain type and what category the points are from.Installing...

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As a design decision, the Language Sections module will remain an input filter only.Any required functionality that doesn't fit that model (see the LS issue queue) will go in via separate modules (if at all) and LS Extras will be a set of such modules.The...

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Configuration settings are found on the Node Type Edit forms.The user must create a Mini Panel and add a Required Node Context before configuring the node type to use it.Mini Panel content is sent to the $content variable in node templates by...

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Media: Archive

Media: Archive 7.x-1.0-beta2 / 6.x-2.2

Future development will further support the entire Media module, including video. Installation: Unpack in your modules folder (usually '/sites/all/modules/')Enable under Administer > Site Building > ModulesWhat is new in this release:This...

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