A plug-in for use with Adobe Acrobat. Using the simple BookMarker desktop publishing tool's dialog box, create multi-level bookmarks to any depth easily and quickly. Using the TextSelect tool from Acrobat's toolbar, highlight a sample of text whose...

Mapsoft ThumbNails, an Acrobat plug-in, is a powerful desktop publishing tool that embeds thumbnails within a PDF document. A thumbnail is a miniature view of each page within a document.Thumbnails can be displayed in the Thumbnails tab located to the...

You can use Mapsofts PDFSplitter tool to split an existing PDF file into separate PDF files. You can choose to split the file into a new file for each individual page within the existing file, or you can specify the range of pages which should go into...

The PageManager allows you to create, remove, insert and replace pages from within PDF files. This functionality is similar to the Insert, Extract, Delete and Replace options within standard Acrobat but with additional functionalities such as the creation...


OpenOptions 1.5.2

OpenOptions manages Acrobats open options, including Initial View, Window and User Interface options. OpenOptions allows you to set these document opening features. It now supports the option of opening layer tabs (in Acrobat 6 or 7) and the attachments...

MediaSizer is a plug-in for use with Adobe Acrobat. It allows you to change the media size of pages in your PDF document. For example you might want to change a Letter size document to A4 for distribution in the European market or A4 sized document to...

InfoSetter is a desktop publishing tool which allows you to set document information in your PDF document(s). This tool allows you to set or change the standard PDFs document information fields as follows: Title, Subject, Author, Keyword, Index, Base URL....

ImagePlacer is a very powerful publishing tool which allows you to stamp a graphical image onto specified pages within a PDF document. The graphic can be stamped as an overlay, or as a watermark. Overlays appear in the foreground of the appropriate page....


Flattener 1.6

Flattener is a useful software that allows extraneous interactive elements, such as bookmarks and movies, plus any unwanted mark-up, to be removed from your PDF files. It can also be used to flatten remaining mark-up and interactive elements into your...


DogEars 1.5

A plug-in for use with Adobe Acrobat. DogEars is a desktop publishing tool for use with Adobe Acrobat for marking pages within a document so that you can quickly flip back to them when you require. Marking an electronic file with dog-ears is analogous to...