
PicoDb 1.0.3 updated

PicoDb is not as complete as an ORM (object-relational mapper), but provides a very simple set of tools that allow the user to run basic operations on the database without exposing his credentials every time. The library has no external dependencies, is...

The Simple Validator PHP class allows developers to take data inputted thorough a form and sent to the server to be checked against a set of rules before being recorded and processed inside the application's backend.The library's main feature is its light...


PicoRedis 1.0

Redis is a NoSQL database famous for its high speed and easy to use syntax.The PicoRedis PHP class allows developers to save their data in a Redis database from PHP and retrieve it at any later point as they need it.PicoRedis is contained in one single...

SimpleLogger is basically a generic logger that can be attached to any project, providing the ability to record the app's output to a local log file.This log can then be used in any way the programmer needs it, from simple historic logging purposes, up to...

A router, or a routing system in programming terms refers to a mechanism that sets up dynamic URL systems that can be used to pass settings and options to an application.It basically allows a developer to control the app or website's behavior and actions...