Dorian Theme 3.10

Dorian Theme 3.10 12232013-1

Dorian Theme is an open source dark GTK3 theme specially designed for the GNOME 3 desktop environment. It features some unique characteristics. The archive also includes themes for GTK2, Metacity (Basic and Retro: Left and Right) and for Ubuntu...

Kalahari and Faenza for LibreOffice is an open source icon pack based on the Faenza and Kalahari icons, specially designed for the LibreOffice office suite.The Kalahari and Faenza for LibreOffice package includes an installation guide, as well as a video...


Numix 2.1

Numix is an open source GTK3 theme for the GNOME desktop environment, providing a modern and flat style with a combination of dark and light elements. It also works on XFCE, Openbox, and Unity.How to install?For detailed installation instructions...


Cheser 3.10.2

Cheser is a mix of different icon themes, including:- GNOME- Tango/Tango Generator- Mist- Tangerina- Human- XfceHow to install?· Right click on your desktop and select Change Desktop Background· Click on the first tab: Theme· Drag and...


GNUstep 1.25.0 updated

GNUstep is an object-oriented, cross-platform, free, open source, easy-to-use, mature, reliable and powerful framework that can be used to develop advanced graphical desktop and server applications.Being based on the OpenStep specification, the GNUstep...

Trevilla theme (flat style) is a new flat theme specially designed for the Unity and GNOME desktops, as well as for the Metacity window decoration. It is inspired by Clearlooks-Phenix. An icon theme is also provided on the project's home page.How to...


Pantheon 1.0

Pantheon is an open source and free project that provides users with a unique, superb, magnificent and modern desktop environment designed from scratch. It is the default desktop environment of the popular elementaryOS Linux distribution.Combines elements...

Maxemum TV-Guide is an open source, cross-platform and completely free software project designed from the ground up to provide users with a modern and portable TV-Guide applications that is low on resources and easy to use.Features at a glanceKey features...


Ratpoison 1.4.8

Ratpoison is an open source software project crafted as a very simple, minimalistic, fast and lightweight window manager for Linux and UNIX-like operating systems. It is designed to run on top of the X11 Windows System, as an alternative to minimalist...


Workrave 1.10.8 updated

Workrave is an open source, cross-platform and freely distributed graphical application implemented in C++ and designed from the offset to act as a tool to assist you in the prevention and recovery of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). Features at a...