
CrashFinder 2.0.3

CrashFinder is a Windows GUI automation and test framework. CrashFinder has two main components: an automated testing tool that learns about your application GUI and a GUI recorder. Use CrashFinder to stress your Windows application and verify that the...

Debug Inspector is a Visual Studio Extension (on Visual Studio Gallery), a stand alone Studio EXE for unmanaged deadlock detection, and soon to be a SharpDevelop IDE AddIn, that allows you to view the call stacks of multiple threads at the same time,...

TracePlus Win32

TracePlus Win32 5.60.000

TracePlus/Win32 shows you the interaction between your Win32 application and multiple Win32 APIs. Supported APIs that are displayed in realtime include ODBC, OLE, COM, TAPI, WININET, registry, DB-Library, and more. Integrated SQL capture window displays...

Smart HTTP Debugger is designed to provide a full-scale tool for Web developers to capture, analyze and debug all HTTP communications between the Web browser on the client side and the Web server on the other side. Internet software developers can use...

PR-Tracker helps manage software development projects by tracking software bugs with problem reports. PR-Tracker records problem reports in a network database that supports simultaneous access by multiple users. Features classification, assignment,...


C-Decompiler 0.001

The C-Decompiler is an x86-based C/C++ language decompiler, which reads the PE file, outputs the corresponding C/C++ code. Currently, the basic decompile function of C language has been completed. This version can decompile the 56 test examples. Mostly...