interruptingcow is a generic Python utility that can relatively gracefully interrupt your code when it doesn't execute within a specific number of seconds:from interruptingcow import timeouttry: with timeout(5): # perform a potentially very slow...


UpStare 0.12.9

The program code and the program state are updated immediately in a single step.It is not necessary to wait indefinitely for a quiescent program state. A running algorithm can be updated midstream its execution and resumed from a different point (not...


pytrace 0.2.1

pytrace is a fast Python tracer that records function calls, arguments and return values.traces aid debugging, profiling and obviate logging.pytrace has been tested on python 2.7 and python 3.2. (should support 2.6 and up)pytrace has been tested on os x...


rpcpdb 0.3.5

rpcpdb is a Python wrapper around the Python pdb debugger which makes it more suitable for use in RPC contexts.It is designed to fulfil the need to debug a function on an already-running server which uses threads or processes to dispatch each remote...


ltrace 0.7.2

ltrace is a debugging program which runs a specified command until it exits.It can also intercept and print the system calls executed by the program.The program to be traced need not be recompiled for this, so you can use it on binaries for which you...


dprintf 0.01

This is an open source Java implementation of the dprintf command-line UNIX utility, which prints to a file descriptor. It features printf-like format strings.However, it is modified in such a way that the generated output will automatically contain...


exude 0.7.3

exude is an open source, simple and easy to use memory debugger for UNIX systems, including Linux and BSD, implemented as a shell script.Created by the same company that developed the amazing Cyphertite software, a cryptography tool for securely...


jarvis 0.1.2

Jarvis is a Python module that was inspired by works of Bret Victor, especially his talk "Inventing on Principle" . The central idea is that the feedback loop when you are coding should be...


otrace 0.303.9

otrace is an object-oriented Python debugger for nonlinear tracing of asynchronous or multithreaded interactive programs. It addresses some of the limitations of sequential debugging techniques which do not work well with server programs, where...