
sql.js 0.3.1 updated

sql.js is actually a port to JavaScript of the SQLite database system.It was ported using the Emscripten LLVM-to-JavaScript compiler.sql.js works with client-side (browsers) and server-side (Node.js) environments.A demo Web interface for executing SQL...

SQL Parser

SQL Parser 0.5.0 updated

SQL Parser can be used by database developers to parse SQL queries before they're sent to the server and keep a log of what the database has been queried with.SQL Parser does not parse the query results, but the query and all its parameters.Works only...


Sider 0.3.0

Can be used to interact with Redis from Python, converting between Python and Redis types.Features:Works with Redis: Sessions Hash objects Objects (set, list) Date and time related units Warnings Version data Requirements:Python 2.6.x and...


Hibernate 5.0.3 updated

If you really download and look at Hibernate's source, you'll see it's a collection of different Java projects. The most important of them all is Hibernate ORM, a simple relational database mapping solution for Java, that sits at the center...


SQLObject 2.1.2 / 3.0.0a1dev-20150327 updated

SQLObject was built around a custom Python query language that provides an easy to use and easy to understand syntax for running various SQL commands.The SQLObject query language is basically a set of ready-made Python functions that abstract basic SQL...


Reportable 1.4.2

ActiveRecord is an object-relational mapper (ORM) for Ruby and Ruby on Rails. Reportable works by analyzing ActiveRecord models and giving a report from various predefined paramenters.Usage instructions are included with the download package.What is new...


cqlengine 0.21.0

Apache Cassandra is a highly scalable, eventually consistent, distributed, structured key-value store NoSQL database system, initially developed by Facebook and now maintained by the Apache Software Foundation.cqlengine is nothing more than an...


Barman 1.5.1a1 updated

Barman is the ideal solution for database admins running PostgreSQL. It provides lots of tools and features for ensuring a PostgreSQL database's data won't get lost due to various reasons and errors ranging from natural disasters to hardware...