The DNS Library is a COM object that makes dynamic DNS updates to BIND, Microsoft and other RFC-2136-compatible DNS servers possible from any scripting languages in an easy way. The library supports the following record types: A, MX, SRV, NS, CNAME, PTR,...

This simple little DLL allows you to call it's methods and functions to embed either the Mozilla or Microsoft Internet Explorer Browser Control into your application. It is simple as calling the EmbedBrowser (hwnd, [1,2]) function to embed the specified...

This package contains four key components that are not available elsewhere: TWaveDevice, TMultimediaTimer, TDigitDetector and TSortedStringGrid. TWaveDevice is an ideal component to work with wavein / waveout of sound cards and modems. All you have to do...


Mini-Comm 1.1

.NET component to share text and data between processes running on the same computer and ensure that only one instance of an application is running at a time. Mini-Comm includes a full messaging system to track and communicate with other processes, and a...

Mini-XMenus is a .NET component that adds custom menu items to the Windows Explorer context menu. Menu items can be selectively shown based on which items are selected in Explorer. Menu items can include custom icons, fonts and colors, sub-menus,...

FayaTwain.dll is a TWAIN-based library designed to help developers in their image acquisition tasks. Indeed, with our dll, they will easily integrate TWAIN image acquisition into their application and concentrate more on their own work. Fayatwain will...

Tometa WhereIs, is the Internet's telephone directory. It provides geographic location information on site visitors and IP addresses including city, state, country, DMA Code, and flag. WhereIs allows dynamic insertion of customized content on a page or...


ActiveXLS 5.1

ActiveXLS is the .Net and Java component to read and write Microsoft Excel files. Export, import and format MS Excel reports. Microsoft Excel not required. Avoid nightmares caused by OLE/ADO. Minimize server load.Requirements:Windows...