
AnyGantt 7.8.0

AnyGantt is an advanced JavaScript based data-visualization solution, allowing everyone to utilize power of animation and ultimate interactivity. AnyGantt is an ideal tool for building complex and informative HTML5 Gantt charts. AnyGantt is fully...


AnyChart 7.8.0

AnyChart is a robust and superfast JavaScript charting library to add great-looking, interactive HTML5 charts into any project, in any browser, and on any platform/OS including mobile ones. AnyChart provides advanced customization and flexibility...


GraphicsJS 1.2. updated

GraphicsJS is a free and open-source JavaScript library for easily drawing absolutely anything including interactive and significantly more powerful in terms of out-of-the-box features than Raphael, Bonsai, and other existing SVG/VML based...