DOF Calc for Windows 8 is a free Depth of Field Calculator. Take it out with you on the field or keep it in the studio to quickly determine if you're going to capture the right details. Once you input the distance to your subject, the focal length of your...

Win8Calc Lite for Windows 8 is a financial calculator, it is a scientific calculator, and it is a business calculator, a personal finance calculator, math calculator and contains a number of calculations. This app contains spectacular graphing of...

Win8Calc for Windows 8 is a financial calculator, it is a scientific calculator, it is a business calculator, a personal finance calculator, math calculator and contains a mind boggling number of calculations. This app contains spectacular graphing of...

Loans. We all take loans to make our dreams come true. Be it a house, a car, a two-wheeler or even gadgets. Many banks and other financial institutions provides attractive repayment options for the loans that we take. So when you plan for a loan, you...

The Calc is a calculator that works with touch and keyboard, you can also snap it on the side and use it alongside with other application. The snapped view version also allows user to view the calculation from previous steps. The rule of multiplication...

Haze Calc

Haze Calc 0.4

We would like to introduce a simple calculator application. This application has not reached its final stage. It is actually at the very earliest stages of development. Currently, the calculator can only do basic mathematics, calculate simple factorials,...

When the Heavy Duty Calculator R&D team started with their research to create the Ultimate Calculator, they ran into some serious trouble. They failed on answering some of the most basic questions: Why oh why do calculators have a single line display,...