

A smart news ticker and headline grabber that can process syndicated newsfeeds in XML (RSS, RDF, Moreover, etc.) formats, as well as almost any web page with headline-style news. Uses XML to define news channel properties. Has channel editor included....

CommunityMate is fundamentally new solution for communities reading. Using this product, you will always be in-touch with favorite communities without constant manual checking them. It periodically checks your communities and notifies you once any new...

Free Agent

Free Agent 4.2 Build 1118

Agent is the top-rated USENET newsreader on the Internet. Whether you are downloading binaries or reading & posting, Agent provides you with all the right Features. Agent is also the most mature newsreader on the market. features of 4.2 new...


Xnews 5.04.25

Usenet newsreader for Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP. It's written in Delphi. by the way. New users are often confused or annoyed by Xnews opening an article or thread when they click on the subject. The solution is simple: don't click on the subject! Instead,...


ecto 2.3.13

ecto is a feature-rich desktop blogging client for MacOSX and Windows, supporting a wide range of weblog systems, such as Blogger, Blojsom, Drupal, MovableType, Nucleus, TypePad, WordPress, and more. With ecto you can write and manage entries for your...

Function list: Embeded brower, support multiple tab; Support Rss0.92, Rss2.0, RDF, and ATOM; Set work thread number for fetching rss data; Import/export rss channel as opml file; Propmt latest news; News automatically play; Add Baidu news search; Add...