Free GIF Maker is a handy tool to make gif files from jpg, bmp and png files. Import your image files, and make animated gif files with one click. Keep original image quality as much as possible, and allow specify every frame's duration and...

Love to own or collect GIFs? Ever wish you could view and edit them in your very own customized GIF environment? Welcome to GIFLINX Studio. Be the master of your very own GIF domain. Open up any GIF file or folder and enjoy high-quality GIF...

EasyBanner Free is free software that makes it easy and simple to create Web banners in GIF format. Designing banners with this tool is simple and you have the possibility to specify everything in the banner: background, texts, images, styles...

Twigmax Animator

Twigmax Animator 2.0 beta

Twigmax is freeware, meaning it's completely free to download and use to create animations that you can show off to others or import into other applications. No hidden costs, license or permission are required to use Twigmax to its fullest. ...

Dynamic Photo Studio is a Windows app to add visual and sound effects to your still photos and make them look alive. This innovative Windows App gives you the tools to easily animate any photos in minutes. Add realistic waterfall, lake, beach, or any...


MonkeyJam 3.0 beta

MonkeyJam is a digital penciltest and stopmotion animation program. It is designed to let you capture images from a webcam, camcorder, or scanner and assemble them as separate frames of an animation. You can also import images and sound files already on...