
Theory 0.2.8

Theory allows developers to write JavaScript syntax that can run on both servers and browsers, without having to worry about platform specific syntax (notably Node.js syntax is different from vanilla JS syntax).Along with Theory, better dependency...


NetworkX 1.9.1 / 1.10rc2 updated

It comes with a graphing utility, to help user better understand network usage and functions.Features: Allows for 1M nodes, 10M edges Includes standard graph-theoretic and statistical physics functions Easy exchange of network algorithms between...


hy 0.10.1

hy is a variant of the Lisp programming language.It's different from other language variants because it compilers directly into Python ASTs (abstract syntax trees).This basically allows developers to embed Lisp code anywhere in a Python-based app or...


Zephir 0.8.0 updated

Zephir stands for Ze(nd Engine) Ph(p) I(nt)r(mediate).With Zephir, developers can create extensions for PHP running under the Zend Engine.Zephir allows them to build these PHP extensions in C, which when used in production environments are much faster and...


Julia 0.4.0-rc3 updated

Julia's syntax resembles MATLAB's syntax.Features: Sophisticated compiler Distributed parallel execution Numerical accuracy Extensive mathematical function library Best-of-breed C and Fortran libraries for linear algebra Random number...


pyquery 1.2.9

The pyquery API and syntax tries to stick as much as possible to the original jQuery implementation, nevertheless some differences are present.For actually interacting with the HTML and XML documents themselves, the lxml library is used.pyquery only deals...


PyHAML 1.1.0

HAML is a cross compiling to Mako template syntax.What is new in this release:Fix use of parenthesis within strings in tag attributes (e.g. %a(name=":)")). Fix use of colons within control statements (e.g. either colon in if x[-1:] ==...


Elixir 1.2.0 updated

Erlang is a general-purpose concurrent programming language designed by Ericsson's Computer Science Laboratory. Elixir takes advantage of Erlang's features to create complex, dynamic, concurrent, scalable, fault-tolerant and distributed...