goalProgress is very easy to setup. Just tell it the goal and the current status and it will automatically create a progress bar, filled so it reflects the percentage of the status/goal value.Additionally text can be added before and after the current...

Animated entirely via CSS 3 and using a little bit of JavaScript to add and remove the spinner from the page, (cs)spinner is a modern day solution for the classic Flash-based preloaders that were at point used with all website templates.With over 15+...

Created on top of a Ruby and Compass app, the project consists of a pack of highly creative and very modern CSS3-driven action buttons.If CSS3 is not supported, the buttons degrade gracefully.It is very easy to overwrite button styles.What is new in this...

jquery.mb.tabset is a very useful user interface component, adding more controls & options for the classic tabbed navigation widget.The plugin is easy to deploy and comes with plenty of parameters which you can tweak and change to create the desired tab...

Relative Slider is for making complex user selections via drag sliders. It can be used for interactive forms or input values, allowing the user to select parts from a total element value.Basically if you have service A and 4 sliders associated with it,...

For tables that include support for collapsible rows and multiple level nested layouts, it's very difficult to always get your barrings and see where in the table you currently are.jQuery Tabelizer adds colorful grouping indicators to the side of a table,...

Sticky JS

Sticky JS 0.1.3

Sticky JS can be applied to any element on a Web page.Sticky JS can make elements sticky page-wide or just inside a selected parent container.While the desired element is in its natural viewport visibility state, it will remain in its designated...

scrollindicator.js isn't meant for any Web page, but for long pages where lots of text is displayed (articles, news stories, blog posts, online books, documentation pages, etc.).At first users won't even notice the scrollindicator.js library. Only and...


ProgressJs 0.1.0

ProgressJs can build progress indicators in various forms (lines, bars, panels, overlays, etc.), the limit being in the developer's imagination.These progress indicators can be used to mask the loading of an object, signaling his loading status and when...


Label.css 0.1.1

Just include Label.css with any of your projects, add the caption text as a data-label attribute to the page element you want it to show on, and add the positioning rules as classes to that element.The positioning rules are instructions on where to show...