
PHP_CodeSniffer 2.3.3 updated

PHP_CodeSniffer is available as a PEAR package. Under the hood, it works by tokenising PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and checking it against a defined set of coding standards.PHP_CodeSniffer is one of the best test tools during development because it...


Blackbird 1.0

It adds a console-like widget on the top-right corner of a page which will catch any JS-type messages, from errors to infos.By clicking on one of the icons on the console, filters can be activated for one type of console message.The framework eliminates...


kratko.js ver. 0.1

Code refactoring is a technique for restructuring an existing block of code, modifying its internal structure without changing its external behavior.krakto.js focuses on a JS object, gathering all the info it can get about it.It gets stats about it and...


PyUnit 1.4.1

It is inspired by JUnit, and is part of the large xUnit unit testing framework family.PyUnit is also used to test Zope.Features:Write tests easily Aggregate them to run en-masse, and run them in text or GUI mode Uses a proven testing architecture PyUnit...

Snowflake allows the developer to execute a small piece of code once, or every 'x' seconds, or when a value changes, or when it stops changing.The library can be used in debug situations, when it is important to determine what happens on a web page and...


Benchmark.js v1.0.0

The library can be used to build and run JS benchmarks. Benchmark.js works on nearly all JavaScript platforms.It can handle high-resolution timers, and is capable of returning statistically significant results.Documentation and examples are included with...


Jarvis 2.0.3

Jarvis allows developers to test out their code before shipping it out to live production environments.The framework works with client-side (browsers) and server-side (Node.js) environments the same.The code is compliant to the xUnit family of frameworks,...


Nose 1.3.0

It enhances test loading and test running features of Python source code.By default, nose will run tests in files or directories under the current working directory whose names include "test" or "Test" at a word boundary.Test output is similar to that of...


FunkLoad 1.16.1

FunkLoad will help developers test their apps and websites in a multitude of environments and situations.This tool can simulate large traffic loads and then log how the developer's code deals with the aftermath of such high traffic loads and various...