useful.log.js allows developers to send debug messages to a console-like tool.The console appears in the bottom right corner of the page and floats above the rest of the content.useful.log.js can be used for older browsers that don't provide access to a...

CSS Reporter

CSS Reporter 0.0.5

CSS Reporter is a combination between Parker and the CSS Specificity Graph Generator.It works via the Node.js command-line and will output results as an HTML page, accessible through your browser.This page will show a specificity graph on top that will...


Frisby 0.8.3

Frisby allows programmers to write custom tests using Node.js and Jasmine, and test the integrity of various REST API endpoints.This is done by mimicking HTTP requests to the server, catching its response, and then logging for further analysis.While this...


Gusto 1.0.0.beta17

BDD is a software development process based on test-driven development (TDD).It's a complex development pattern that relies of written tests and testing the previously written code before moving on to the next section/task.This continuously testing cycle...

responsivepx allows developers to load an URL at a specific height & width ratio inside an iframe.This allows them to view how the site looks and reacts at various resolutions.responsivepx is perfect for testing how websites look on mobile devices.The...


Hermes.js 1.1.0

Hermes.js simplifies the process of logging various errors and messages to the browser console.This library is crucial during the development process, helping developers get to the bottom of problems using a basic error tracing system.Utilizing something...